Friday, May 6, 2011


Winans PTO Meeting Minutes
May 5, 2010 / 6:30pm / SGMS Library

Attendance: Tammy Lewis, Jim Huntzicker, Sue Meador, Carol Anne Romans, Amanda Alkire, Bob Stevenson, Jamie Melin

I. rock wall (Tammy)
-Has been installed, need to finish black stuff (tuftimbers) and gravel cushion
-Big hit, gratification for lower grades who did so much of the fundraising
-Invoice has been paid
-BIG THANKS to Josh Alkire and Moody Implement for donating time & talent for installation

II. yearbook (Zanya/Jamie)
-production status: waiting for word from PFL on production--our part is done, we may need PO from Jim, check if Zanya has heard from PFL, timeframe?
-PTO buys one for each student? decide May 20th, depends on stipend payouts, budget, etc.; if we don’t have enough to give books away, we can at least subsidize the cost down to $2-3. They are REALLY nice this year!

III. box tops reward ice cream party (Tammy)
-budget $100 (approx) –we made $500 from box tops this year
-scheduled for Thurs. June 9th, Amanda volunteered to help with ice cream party

IV. treasurer report (Carol)-attached in email

V. teacher stipends (Carol)- attached in email
-Tammy motioned to make teachers’ receipts due by May 20th for stipend reimbursements
-Carol seconded, all in favor

VI. balance to leave in checkbook (Carol)
-Carol motioned to leave $500 in account for next year (the same as Eastside is doing)
-Amanda seconded, all in favor

VII. review of focus group discussion (group)
-One more meeting planned for this month to invite more people and hold a vote. Angie Tinsley, pres of Eastside PTO, and Carol Anne, Winans treasurer, are arranging this meeting. If you have an opinion about PTO, come and vote for or against having joint PTO next year. You will receive an email with details on the meeting when it’s set.
-After the focus group, we are leaning toward a joint Eastside-Winans PTO with 2 treasurers/accounts, combining several projects (we are especially excited about the potential for a joint carnival) and doing 3-4 fundraisers next year. This will give the experienced parents a chance to mentor new PTO parents/ officers and share their experience, as well as combining the resources of both schools; also convenient to attend ONE meeting if you have children at BOTH SCHOOLS. Think about it…

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