Thursday, May 3, 2012

Winans PTO Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, May 1, 2012/ 5:30 pm/ Winans’ Library

Attendance: Jim Huntzicker, Luke Shelton, Lora Brown, Lessie Sites, Jamie Melin, Patty Durgan, Christina Howell, Muffy Norquist

I. New Principal Luke Shelton- introductions, etc.

II. Teacher Appreciation Week

-Wish Tree: is in the lobby and ANYONE is welcome to come pick a leaf and give a teacher a gift of classroom supplies for Teacher Appreciation week (Please be sure to re-attach leaf or label the item :)

-Week “treats”- Lora will send out an email later this week nailing down the details and we will put a little “what to expect” postcard in the Teachers’ mailboxes on Monday.

-So far, what we have planned is Monday: Scentsy travel tins from Muffy and cookies form Caroline, Tuesday: Hand/lip treatments from Andrea, Wednesday: another “treat from Andrea + lunch, Thursday: Foot spa & possible chair massages organized by Christina, Friday: Potluck luncheon organized by Sarah Knecht , cookies from Caroline-Luncheons-Wednesday catered by school board, Friday PTO Potluck by Sarah Knecht

III. Treasurer’s Report/ Finalizing Carnival numbers and discuss setting up a carnival account

Carnival (Reimbursement to Muffy) 1217.37

Civic Center 100.00

Ads in the Enterprise for carnival 122.20

Total Money from Carnival 3327.40

Profit from Carnival $1439.57

Box Top Check $553.35

Braided Bread profit $5040.00

One stipend check wrote to Sabrina Hester for 200.00

Ending Balance is about: $11,500.00

Muffy made a motion to create a Carnival Account for Eastside and Winans to use for next year’s carnival with a starting balance of $1400; Christina seconded her motion; the voting was unanimous in the affirmative.

IV. Discussion about school needs (upgrading TVs, getting IPads or Kindles for special needs classes etc.)

-Jim present teacher feedback-Jim and Luke went over ongoing teacher feedback; ultimately, Luke wants flatscreens in every classroom, as well as a “video marquee”-type screen for the lobby; this is the long-term goal which we will help reach any way we can, starting with the teachers who will use them most. Nothing was decided for sure, but we just listened to the plans and the needs and got a feel for the goals. -Other issues: Patty Durgan showed us her awesome little Nook Tablet, which functions like an iPad but is less than half the price ($199), has similar content (apps run between $.99-$3 on average, and it comes with tech support at Barnes & Noble stores and as an educator, any apps or content she buys can be used on all the tablets in her classroom at no extra charge.

Carolyn Long, speech therapist, submitted a touching request for a student with communication issues who has experienced success using the iPad. She has requested $399 to purchase an iPad that would follow this student through Winans and Eastside and become property of the special education division. Lora suggested splitting the cost with Eastside; we will revisit this topic when we settle accounts in June; everyone seemed to want to help make this happen.

-Teacher Stipends

- we discussed doing Teacher stipends differently [per Mrs. Boyd], carrying over accounts to use in August, etc. Jamie talked with Michelle Boyd and thinks this is a good idea; We decided to finish out the 2011-12 school year on our regular old system-let the teachers submit receipts and use their $200 stipend for this year. THEN give each teacher (this includes resource, title 1, and Library) $100 in August (at a cost of $1900), and another $100 in the 3rd quarter( February –ish, depending on fundraising success) so they have cash on hand for projects. If they choose to save it all to make a $200 purchase at the end of the year or just use it little by little all year, it’s all there and the treasurer will only have to cut checks twice a year.

Everyone was in favor of this, but we didn’t want to make it official before discussing it with Jessi (treasurer). We will let the teachers know what is officially decided by putting a letter in their mailboxes in the next week or two.

V. PTO "PSA" announcement

- Lora has an outline and proposal to create a video “PSA” style video to familiarize parents with PTO which will run on a loop (on a tv or laptop) at August registration and at all PTO activities. The video will tout the goals and accomplishments of PTO with interviews, slides shows, statistics, etc. Please let Lora know if you are willing to “testify” on the video about the awesomeness of PTO.

-Jamie proposed giving Lora $100 to complete the video project, Patty seconded the motion, the voting was unanimous in the affirmative.

VI. Retirement Party: Jessi needs to get a check to Kitty Springer to help with the costs of the Retirement Party.

VII: OTHER: Lora will send out an email about (a) having a combined Good-bye Jim/ Hello Luke party (parents meet-and-greet) at the school toward the end of this month. Let her know what you think; (b) meeting in August to get our ducks in a row for next year and to organize what we want to put in the registration packets. Also, if you have headed a committee this year or served as an officer, PLEASE document your experience and create a "training manual” for next year’s PTO, & if you have any interest whatsoever in serving as an officer PLEASE plan on attending the September meeting & submitting your name. WE NEED YOU, & we are doing our best to make your job EASY next year!Spread the word & support our school!


Late-Breaking News from Sarah Knecht re: Friday 5/11 Potluck Luncheon

Friday May 11th- Drop off food to Winans office by 11am

223-7481 Sarah Knecht -contact

Angie: Green Salad

Madeleine: Black eyed pea salad

Kristen: 2 salad dressings and one fruit tray

Cassandra :fruit salad

Sarah: 1 Gallon Roasted Tomato Vegetable Soup

2 dozen sandwiches

Ashley: 2 dozen Sandwiches

Jacqueline: Lemon Cake

Julie : 2 Chocolate Cakes


2 Cheesecakes

2 dozen sandwiches

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